October Babies

Major life events have a way of haunting our seasons, filling them with feelings of nostalgia.  This can be sad sometimes, as a change in the weather and color makes us remember loved ones who have gone on or a period of intense emotional or physical trial.  And then there are the good “hauntings” – joyous memories brought back by a change in the light, a smell in the air.   This time of year for me will forever and always be blessed by my October Babies.  I really can’t imagine a better time of year to have babies.   The colors, the light, the chill in the air teased with the lingering warmth of the sun – such a beautiful time in and of itself.   Then you have the intense experience of having a child.  Put them together and they will be forever intertwined.

I highly recommend having October Babies 🙂

October BabiesDSC_8864warm chai whip R

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One Comment

  1. mom at 9:32 am #

    You are so blessed! Beautiful kids, beautiful talent!

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  1. By October Babies on at 3:05 pm

    […] You can find last year’s pictures HERE […]

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