Remember Summer Camp?

Yeah, so I’ve been sitting on all of these pictures from Summer Camp.  I’d been meaning to go back and put together a blog post out of them, but life and paying jobs kept getting in the way.  It’s all good, though.  It’s actually fun to go back and look at the pictures now that a little time has passed.

Disclaimer:  My Summer Camp experience did not involve camping, drug use, or nudity of any kind.  Ha, and yes, camping is as bad for you as drugs.  And nudity.  Lol, anywaaay…  my experience was so G-rated, it included a mini family shoot of some cute people from Blono that I met at the WDW Roundabout show a few months back.   And of course lots of pictures of the family-friendly Way Down Wanderers.  While Summer Camp is definitely not a church picnic, one can successfully escort minors to enjoy the music and atmosphere.  Just make darn sure they know how to “just say no.”

So, without further ado, I present to you my Summer Camp scrapbook, or “Scampbook” as I’ve been calling it in my head.  Unlike a proper scrapbook, the pictures are in no logical order – you have to look through the whole thing or you might miss something.  Mwahahaha.

scrapbook 40.jpg



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