Rickey & Bella

Meet sweet Bella and adorable Rickey.  Rickey had some crazy non-stop two-year-old energy going on the day they visited the studio, as indicated by the first photo, entitled “Stay!”  The only thing that would get him to sit still was books – isn’t that awesome?!  Not an ipad, not mom’s phone… BOOKS.  I love it!  Then there was little sister Bella – an absolute doll, who all but struck poses for the camera.  Aren’t they just too cute?!  I lerv Rickey’s little boy floppy hair and Bella’s curls on top in the last shot.

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  1. Jan at 3:31 am #

    Those are fabulous. It looks like he’s showing her what to look at in the book. And I know you’ve never seen 2-year old energy before.

  2. mom at 6:09 am #

    Very cute! Love their expressions and the co63lors;-)

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