Tag Archives: siblings

A Country Lane

Bad news first – the days are getting shorter.  Boo.  The good news?  Sunset shoots for toddlers are now possible!  Sunset last night was at 7:49pm.  This was pushing it a bit for two almost-three-year-olds who go to bed by 8:30 most nights, but we managed it.  My plan was to take one child at a time on separate nights, but Jack wasn’t staying home for anything.  As a last-minute photo crasher he “planned” his outfit himself.  When Abby saw his rain boots she had to wear hers too.  I’ve learned to choose my fights carefully with these two and conceded on the boots 🙂  I love shooting at sunset.  The light is magical and so is the mood.  We’ll be doing more soon.  Probably in our boots.

country lane 1

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