Avast ye, mateys! We have here a young lad and young lassie to demonstrate how Peachtree Lane Photography can set you up with a shipshape custom photo session for your little scallywags. Aye-aye, no theme is too big or too small! We will pillage the prop vault and scour the land for the perfect backdrop, me hearties! Halloween is nigh upon us, you landlubbers, so toss back some grog and share with me your ideas, yo-ho!
Posted in Beach Photography, Family Photography, Jack & Abby, Little Adventures, My Kids, Props and Backdrops, siblings
Also tagged buried treasure, child photography, crows nest, east peoria photographer, family photography, germantown hills photography, Illinois River, outdoor photography, peoria illinois photographer, Pirate Costumes, Pirate photo session, pirate raft, siblings photography