Tag Archives: metamora il photography

Spidermen, cairns, a ghost ship and other fun-ness – Germantown Hills Photographer

Can you believe it’s October already?! What the what?!

Back in September we made a quick trip up to Door County, Wisconsin with my husband’s parents. We made a similar trip last year if you want to have a look. Love that place. There are lots of different things to do, but so far we’ve avoided the more touristy, spendy stuff and dedicated most of our time to communing with nature. We visited 3 beaches that we didn’t see last year. So beautiful. One of the biggest highlights for me was the freshly baked cherry pie we bought at shop called Sweetie Pies which was right next to our inn. I feel this counts as “communing with nature” since the cherries came from nature there in Door County and eating the pie did border on spiritual. Seriously, my mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. It was a destination unto itself. The gal in the shop handed the box to us with the lid cracked open a bit because it was still warm. I think I instagrammed a picture of it if you want to stalk my feed for it, lol. OK, enough food fantasizing, I’m supposed to be back on low-carb now and this ain’t helping.

One place we revisited this year wasn’t even in Door County, it was in Milwaukee – Big Bay Park. We stopped there last year to break up the return trip for the kids and they ended up having a great time playing with all the dogs! And would you believe our favorite of the bunch was there again this time?!  Turns out Darla is there quite often so it’s not so odd that we ran into her again, but it was special nonetheless. She’s rather a popular dog, come to find out. She even has her own Facebook page. Hope to see you next year, Darla!

The “ghost ship” kite was a whim.  Ain’t it cool?  Both times we took it out there was not enough wind to actually fly it.  Both times we took it out people asked if it would really float on the water. Haha. No worries. I really just wanted to take pictures of the kids pretending to sail it “on” the lake 😉 It’s from Relics, by the way.  You know, that super hip trendy shop with the cool Peoria postcards.

Anyway, not as many pictures this year, but we did have fun.  Oh, and BONUS – we came home with one raging case of pink eye and poison ivy of the FACE (both Jack, poor guy).  Good times! 

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Posted in animals, Beach Photography, Jack & Abby, Little Adventures, My Kids, Parks, Wisconsin Also tagged , , , , , , , , , |