Category Archives: My Kids

More from the 4th – Metamora, IL Photographer

I love to revisit places where I’ve shot before with my kids.  I have a lovely large box print of this first image in my studio.  There’s nothing groundbreaking about it artistically, but everyone who sees it loves it.  Maybe it’s the simplicity of the composition – the graphic, clean lines of the flag, I don’t know.  Maybe it’s just the overwhelming cuteness of the chubby “Jabby” haha.  Anyway, this was two years ago:

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And below is this year.  Yes, Jack is wearing the same shorts – completely unintentional lol!  He’s gotten a little taller but a lot skinnier so they still fit.  Even managed to get the elusive big “brudder” in there.

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And just one more.  I love this one but was hesitant about posting it for fear of flag backlash.  Hesitant for maybe 2 seconds.  It’s not touching the ground, it’s not on fire, it’s not in the rain, it’s NOT the rebel flag, and it’s waving in front of a golden field in the Heartland, held by an adorable American girl. AND during the shoot we had a little talk about respecting it, not dropping it, etc.  Psh.  Bring on the backlash.  Haha, just kidding, please don’t. Hope you all had a safe holiday weekend!

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Also posted in 4th of July, Family Photography, Jack & Abby, Metamora IL, siblings, Uncategorized Tagged , , , , , , |